An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
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The Big Crash - Spinach Bhaji
There was a big crash! Poet and Flower came home with huge news. They couldn't contain themselves, and the words poured out. Their friend had been in a car accident. No one was hurt, and he was ok, but this was something new for them. They detailed how he had been on his way to their favorite park, Bumpy Slide Park.
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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