An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
The latest recipes.
I'm an Old Mom - Masala French Toast
I'm an old mom. I wasn't twenty-nine or thirty. I was older when Poet and Flower were born. Or, in medical terms, I was what doctors refer to as advanced maternal age or AMA. Written in big capital letters in all my medical records from pregnancy. What does that even mean?
Going to the Movies - Naral ka Char (Coconut Egg Curry)
It was a big green monster. Or was it? On closer look, it wasn't a monster at all. It was a frog. It was a cute, cuddly green frog that talked. The Great Muppet Caper was the first movie I went to as a kid. I remember going to the movies for the first time.
There Are No Easy Answers - Ande ka Dosa (Egg Dosa)
It has taken me years to become a good listener. There is an art to everything. The art of photography, the art of medicine, and the art of listening. They are all important, each in their own way.
Expecting the Unexpected - Anda bi Seviyan | Vermicelli Upma
The large soft snowflakes kept coming down. Snow soon covered the ground, and it was a winter once again. The only catch was that it was late April and the start of spring. My spring garden was off to a roaring start, little radishes peeking out of the ground and lettuces growing.
It's the little things - Ande ki mithai (Almond Egg Dessert)
South Indian Scrambled Eggs
This summer, the kids have learned to ride a bicycle. One of the joys of being a kid is balancing on two wheels and, according to Poet, go really fast. And they have been biking a lot. With all this time on our hands, it has been the perfect opportunity for them to learn to ride.
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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