An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
The latest recipes.
Kindness Counts - Set Dosa
Set Dosa
This is a variation on a classic dosa from Karnataka. It's golden brown one side and puffy and soft on the other. It's a lovely variation that is just as delicious.
The Zigs and Zags of Life - Lemon Rice
Why did I choose medicine? Perhaps it chose me. Or it was chosen for me. Whatever the reason or reasons, I find myself along this path.
The Lazy Days of Summer - Spiced Cauliflower
Summer rules! The lazy days of summer are finally here after a long and soggy spring. Indiana weather is fickle, and this year was no exception.
There Are No Easy Answers - Ande ka Dosa (Egg Dosa)
It has taken me years to become a good listener. There is an art to everything. The art of photography, the art of medicine, and the art of listening. They are all important, each in their own way.
A Little Bit of Speed - Spicy Hush Puppies
The hill sprawled out in front of us. Poet and Flower couldn't wait. We spent the weekend snow tubing. It was their first snowy adventure. We haven't had any snow this season, a dusting here and there, but no more.
The Big Crash - Spinach Bhaji
There was a big crash! Poet and Flower came home with huge news. They couldn't contain themselves, and the words poured out. Their friend had been in a car accident. No one was hurt, and he was ok, but this was something new for them. They detailed how he had been on his way to their favorite park, Bumpy Slide Park.
In Search of Texas Wild - Meda Vada
We were clearly outnumbered. Our simple trip to the zoo had turned into a little bit of a marathon. We spent the holidays celebrating with family, three families to be exact, and six little cousins with an abundance of enthusiasm and energy. Poet and Flower had talked about their upcoming trip for months and were so excited to play and enjoy time with their cousins.
Grieving is not Taboo - Hyderabadi Bagara Baingan
Growing up, grieving always felt like a taboo. I remember my mother standing by the kitchen sink. I must have been eleven or twelve. She was washing dishes and crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that my grandfather had passed away. She looked out the window sadly and then went on washing the dishes.
The Glue of Life - Masala Peanuts
Family is like the unseen glue that holds things together. As the years go by, there are cracks and sometimes outright breaks, but much of the time, some glue (or maybe a lot) can help to put things back together. Now and then, the story of Humpty Dumpty comes to mind, and all the glue in the world cannot mend things.
What is Authentic? - Aloo Katli
Authentic is a tall order. In food, is anything truly authentic? As recipes are passed down during the generations, they slowly change. They are adapted to new tastes and ingredients. The food may change but it retains its essence.
The Scaffolding of Life - Methi Aloo (Potatoes with Fenugreek)
Rituals are important. We have so many of them in our lives, both large and small. Some I don't even think about, but play a large role in giving shape and structure in my life. I think perhaps we don't think about them until they are gone, slowly realizing their importance in the first place.
Splashing in the Water - Crispy Bhindi (Okra)
Taking a break is hard. It's a constant balancing act that often ends up on the floor in a collapsed heap. But, it doesn't have to be that way, and taking a break can help. Just stepping back for a few days or the day can help to reset our busy lives.
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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